
Drew Afualo

Samoan-American TikTok star Drew Afualo makes short, snappy videos on TikTok in which she responds, often mockingly, to men who directed misogynist comments at her or other women. Her videos are immensely popular: she joined TikTok in 2020 and by 2024 had about eight million followers. Her videos can attract more than 9 million views and more than 10,000 comments each.

In one example, she shows a clip from a video where a man attempts to point out what he sees as an unjust double standard: “If a girl wants a guy who can take charge, it’s a preference. If a guy wants a girl who will submit to his lead, he’s, you guessed it, misogynistic.” 

Afualo enters the screen, laughing, “blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Too much! Too much of this,” she says, while gesticulating to signify talking. “Are you single? Yeah? You are?” she says, mocking the man.

Other times she simply looks into the camera with raised eyebrows and a smirk as a clip of text – “fat bitch”; “lazy eye bitch” – hovers on the screen.  

Like the Brazilians behind the project Mirrors of Racism, Afualo uses amplification, repeating slurs in order to defang them and the people who speak or write them.