
Tauiwi Tautoko

“Do you think that arguing with racists on the internet is like screaming into the void, but not speaking up also seems wrong? Do you wish you could engage with racist family members or acquaintances without either screaming or biting your tongue? Do you think that if we could learn to do anti-racism mahi (work) together, it could feel less like a drop in the ocean and more like a sea change?” So begins the website for Tauiwi Tautoko, which is Maori (an indigenous language in Aotearoa New Zealand) for “non-Māori in support.”

The organization offers both a platform for volunteers who respond to racist discourse in Aotearoa New Zealand (often targeting the Māori people) and a free online course to train future volunteers in response techniques that are based on listening and showing empathy. Similar to White Nonsense Roundup, in training tauiwi (a Māori term for non-Māori people) allies to respond to racist speech, the organization hopes to “lift some of the burden of dismantling racism off the shoulders of its targets.” 

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